Curriculum for Training Courses on HPV Vaccination and Vaccine Communication

Work Package 7 (WP) of the PERCH project is dedicated to improving the communication skills of healthcare professionals regarding the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. By improving communication between healthcare professionals, children/adolescents and their parents, WP7 aims to increase confidence in the HPV vaccine. The first task was a comprehensive assessment of the specific training needs of each participating country and the extent to which existing programs meet these needs. Based on this assessment, countries will (by the end of the project) either introduce new training courses or adapt existing courses. Based on the key findings from the country-specific reports, a common training curriculum has been developed, which includes a description of the content of the training modules as well as appropriate materials and methods for the training. The curriculum serves as a guide or checklist for the PERCH countries, which can be adapted to the respective national context.

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